Saint James
Son of Zebedee
Apostle James the Greater
Según el Nuevo Testamento, Santiago el Grande, también conocido como Santiago hijo de Zebedeo o Santiago el Mayor, fue uno deLos doce apóstoles de Jesúsy parte deSu círculo íntimo. One of the Datos de Jameses que según la tradición católica, el apóstol Santiago difundió el cristianismo en España.
Fue decapitado en Jerusalén en el 44, y sus restos fueron posteriormente transportados a Galicia en una barca de piedra hasta el emplazamiento de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.
Patron saints are not unique to Roman Catholicism, but also to Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, and some branches of Islam. The patron saint of pilgrims and Spain is St James the Greater, Son of Zebedee.
Santiago el Mayor fue uno de los discípulos de Jesucristo y la hermana de la Virgen María y el hermano deSan Judas Tadeo.
Compartió un barco de pesca con su hermano Juan, su padre Zebedeo y su socio Simón. Juan y Santiago fueron discípulos de Juan Bautista y, más tarde, de Jesús.
CuándoJesús llamó a Santiago y a su hermano Juanser "pescadores de hombres, ”Dejaron sus vidas como pescadores. Fue uno de los discípulos de Jesús hasta que fuecrucificado por los romanos.
Según el mito cristiano, Santiago, hijo de Zebedeo, nació en Galilea alrededor del año 5 a. C. Sus padres parecen haber sido acomodados. Su padre, Zebedeo, era un pescador del Mar de Galilea que probablemente vivía en o cerca de Betsaida, posiblemente en Cafarnaún, y tenía algunos barqueros o jornaleros.
Su madre, Salomé, fue una de las mujeres piadosas que más tarde siguieron a Cristo y "le ministraron de sus bienes".
Su hermano eraJuan el apóstol, quien, según la tradición cristiana, fue el único Apóstol que no murió mártir y es autor de varios libros del Nuevo Testamento. Según los Padres de la Iglesia, su hermano es la misma persona que Juan el Evangelista, Juan de Patmos y el Discípulo Amado.
Debido a sus personalidades impulsivas, ambos hermanos fueron apodados “Boanerges” (“Hijos del trueno”) y estuvieron entre los primeros discípulos en unirse a Jesucristo.
Según los evangelios sinópticos, Santiago y Juan estaban en una barca con su padre remendando sus redes cuando Jesús los llamó para que lo siguieran.
Santiago fue uno de los tres elegidos que presenció la Transfiguración (metamorfosis), la hija resucitada de Jairo y la agonía en Getsemaní.
Lecciones de vida
Despite everything James went through as a disciple of Jesus, his faith remained shaky until the resurrection. When he and his brother asked Jesus for the honor of sitting beside him in glory, Jesus only promised them a share of his suffering (Marcos 10:35;Marcos 10:36;Marcos 10:37;Marcos 10:38;Marcos 10:39;Marcos 10:40;Marcos 10:41;Marcos 10:42;Marcos 10:43;Marcos 10:44;Marcos 10:45).
They discovered that the greatest llamado de un seguidor de jesuses servir a los demás. Seguir a Jesucristo puede conducir a la adversidad, la persecución e incluso la muerte, pero la recompensa es la vida eterna con él en el cielo.
Un texto apócrifo conocido como El Evangelio de los Doce sugirió en el primer siglo que cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre los apóstoles en Pentecostés (Hechos 2), cada uno de ellos tenía el poder de hablar el idioma de las personas a las que estaban llamados a alcanzar (como el Torre de Babel, pero al revés). James hablaba latín, que se habla principalmente en la mitad occidental del Imperio Romano.
Sin embargo, no fue hasta cientos de años después que alguien sugirió que James viajara a España.
Un texto conocido como el Breviario de los Apóstoles, escrito en el siglo VI, afirmaba que Santiago difundió el evangelio en España y fue enterrado en algún lugar cerca del mar, al oeste de España.
Esta afirmación se repitió en poemas, himnos, biografías y comentarios en los siglos VII y VIII. A principios del siglo IX, se dice que una estrella brillante guió a un pastor hasta la tumba de Santiago en Galicia, en lo que ahora se conoce como Santiago de Compostela.
Para lograr esto, Santiago habría tenido que salir de Jerusalén para evangelizar España, luego regresar a Jerusalén para ser ejecutado en el 44 d.C. y luego transportar sus restos a España para ser enterrados.
En ese momento, esta leyenda fue ampliamente aceptada y el lugar del entierro se convirtió en una de las peregrinaciones cristianas más populares. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los eruditos modernos han encontrado poca evidencia para apoyar el ministerio de James en España o su supuesto entierro allí.
Incluso Paul lo hace parecer menos creíble. En Romanos 15, dice,
“Siempre ha sido mi ambición predicar el evangelio donde Cristo era desconocido para no estar edificando sobre el fundamento de otro” (Romanos 15:20),
y él piensa ir a España la próxima (Romanos 15:23;Romanos 15:24).
Nadie ha llevado el evangelio a España, pero sería extraño que Pablo dijera:
"Prefiero ir donde nadie ha difundido el evangelio antes, por eso voy a donde James fue".
La mayoría de los estudiosos creen que James nunca llegó a España. Murió en Jerusalén, a principios del movimiento cristiano. Este viaje misionero español no se volvió a mencionar hasta el siglo VI, y el descubrimiento de su lugar de enterramiento fue simplemente demasiado fantástico. A pesar de sus orígenes míticos, esta peregrinación, conocida como el Camino de Santiago, sigue siendo popular hasta nuestros días.
Santiago con Jesús
Santiago fue uno de los apóstoles que buscó poder y autoridad sobre los demás, lo cual Jesús reprendió:
“Y los hijos de Zebedeo, Santiago y Juan, se acercaron a él, diciendo: “Maestro, quisiéramos que hicieras por nosotros todo lo que deseamos”. Y él les dijo: ¿Qué queréis que haga por vosotros? Le dijeron: Concédenos un asiento en tu gloria, uno a tu derecha y el otro a tu izquierda.
(Mateo 10:35;Mateo 10:36;Mateo 10:37;Mateo 10:38;Mateo 10:39;Mateo 10:40)
Jesus uses this occasion to reiterate his lesson about how a person who wants to be “great” in God’s kingdom must learn to be the “least” here on earth, serving all others and putting their needs and desires ahead of their own.
Santiago y Juan no solo son castigados por buscar su gloria, sino que el resto de los discípulos también son castigados por estar celosos de esto.
Esta es una de las pocas ocasiones en la Biblia en las que se cita a Jesús por tener mucho que decir sobre el poder político. Se enfoca en temas religiosos la mayor parte del tiempo. En el capítulo 8, advirtió contra la tentación de la “levadura de los fariseos… y la levadura de Herodes”, pero cuando se trata de detalles, siempre se ha enfocado en los problemas de los fariseos.
Santiago no fue el primer mártir cristiano, como lo fue Esteban, que fue apedreado enHechos 7:54;Hechos 7:55;Hechos 7:56;Hechos 7:57;Hechos 7:58;Hechos 7:59 Hechos 7:60. James murió como resultado de ser decapitado, según consta en el Libro de los Hechos (Hechos 12:1;Hechos 12:2;Hechos 12:3): “Por ese tiempo, Herodes puso manos violentas sobre algunos de los miembros de la iglesia”. Mató a espada a Santiago, el hermano de Juan, y cuando vio que agradó a los judíos, arrestó también a Pedro.
Esto fue durante el período de los panes sin levadura ". Como resultado, el apóstol Santiago fue el primero en morir como mártir. Solo un apóstol, irónicamente, escapó de la muerte por su fe, y ese fue su hermano, el apóstol Juan.
la muerte de james
Mártires y confesores son los dos tipos de santos. Un mártir cristiano es alguien que es ejecutado por sus creencias cristianas. Los confesores son personas que murieron por causas naturales.
En el año 44 d. C., el rey Herodes Agripa I capturó y decapitó a Santiago por herejía después de que hiciera el peligroso viaje de regreso a Jerusalén para presentar sus respetos. Aunque Santiago murió en Jerusalén, sus cenizas fueron devueltas a su amada Galicia, y sobre ellas se construyó una iglesia. Este fue el comienzo de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela, y se dice que el cuerpo de Santiago está enterrado allí hasta el día de hoy.
Church leader
After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, a church was formed in Jerusalem, headed, so it seems, by James, the brother of our Lord. The degree to which James had been transformed becomes quite evident when we see the honor and respect the early Christians gave to him.
As the leader of the church in Jerusalem, Saul of Tarsus conferred with him when he returned there after his encounter with Christ on the Damascus Road.
James, who presided over the famous ‘Jerusalem Council’ and delivered the ruling, later conveyed to the churches by letter that Gentiles coming into the Christian faith were not required to be circumcised or to keep the laws of Moses.
Author and Writer
Some scholars believe that the brother of our Lord did not author the letter of James because of how he introduces himself in the opening verse: “James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” If James, the Lord’s brother, wrote it, he would have affirmed this fact in his opening remarks.
However, such a view does not consider the tremendous impact that Christ’s death and resurrection made upon James. The writer is so taken up with the fact of Christ’s Lordship—” a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ”—that by comparison, the fact that he was Christ’s brother seems to be of no great importance. James rejoiced, not so much in his earthly relationship to Christ, but in his heavenly one.
A Hotheaded Man
It was probably for this type of hotheaded rashness and fanaticism that the surname “Boanerges,” which means “Sons of Thunder,” was bestowed on them when they were ordained to the Twelve, MAR 3:17. Note, however, that there was some excuse for their action.
The impression left by the Transfiguration was still greatly upon them. They felt strongly that their Lord, whom they had just beheld “in His glory” with “His countenance altered” and “shining garments,” should not be subjected to such indignities by the Samaritans.
Upon the occasion of our Lord’s last journey to Jerusalem, the two brothers gave expression to this presumptuous rashness in a more selfish manner. They presumed their intimacy with Jesus and made the following request.
“And James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, came up to Him, saying to Him, ‘Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You.’ And He said to them, ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ And they said to Him, ‘Grant that we may sit in Your glory, one on Your right, and one on Your left.’
But Jesus said to them,
‘You do not know what you are asking for. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?’
And they said to Him,
‘We are able.’
And Jesus said to them,
‘The cup that I drink you shall drink, and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized. But to sit on My right or on My left, this is not Mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.’”
In Matthew 20:20; Matthew 20:21; Matthew 20:22; Matthew 20:23; Matthew 20:24; Matthew 20:25; Matthew 20:26; Matthew 20:27; Matthew 20:28, these words are put in their mother’s mouth, not directly from James and John. However, this request drew forth the rebuke of Jesus and moved the other ten with indignation”. And hearing this; the ten began to feel indignant with James and John.
Summary Characteristics
Each of the synoptic Gospels identifies James as an early disciple of Jesus. James, the son of Zebedee, often called James the Greater to distinguish him from the other apostle named James, was a member of Christ’s inner circle, which included his brother, the apostle John, and Peter.
Not only did James and John earn a special nickname from the Lord — “sons of thunder” — they were privileged to be at the front and center of three supernatural events in the life of Christ.
St James the Greater facts, the disciple made us understand that St James is one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. He is called ‘the Greater to distinguish him from ‘James el menor‘, another Apostle of Jesus. He was the first Apostle to be martyred when Herod Agrippa ordered his death, in about AD 44.
The saints of the Christian church can often be identified by a device, known as their attribute. Here St. James holds a pilgrim’s staff with a drinking bottle attached. He is usually depicted as a pilgrim and often wears a hat with a cockleshell attached. In the medieval period, the story of St. James was greatly embellished. In northern Spain, a legend developed that he had traveled to the coast of Galicia to convert the local population. After he was martyred in Jerusalem, his servant brought his body back to Galicia by sea.
As the boat approached the shore, a startled horse threw its rider to the ground, and the man drowned. The servant prayed, and miraculously the man emerged alive from the water, covered in cockleshells, hence James’s shell.
In the early 9th century the bishop of the area claimed that God had told him where to find the body of St James. He built a church on the site. By the 11th century, Santiago de Compostela was a major pilgrimage destination; it still attracts thousands every year. Saints were often thought of as protectors, and the possession of relics of an important one was to be ensured divine protection
The Story and History
The story and history of Saint James the Greater, who was one of the disciples of Jesus. James was prominent amongst the twelve apostles. He was James, the son of Zebedee, who was considered the greater apostle of those called James.
James is thought to be a cousin of Jesus, by the sister of the Virgin Mary, and the brother of Saint Jude Thaddeus. James worked as a fisherman with his brother John, his father Zebedee, and his partner Simon. John and James were followers of John the Baptist and then Jesus.
John the Baptist referred to Jesus with the words “Behold the Lamb of God!”. He left his life as a fisherman when Jesus called him to be a fisher of men.
One of the facts is that he followed Jesus as one of his disciples until Jesus was crucified. James was chosen by Jesus to be one of the twelve apostles and was given the mission to spread the gospel of Jesus.
He made a pilgrimage to Spain to spread the word. St James returned to Judea, where he was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I (10 BC – 44 AD) in the year 44. This is detailed in the Bible in Acts 12 of the New Testament. The remains, or relics, of Saint James the Greater, are said to be buried in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Spain) explaining why Saint James is the patron saint of Spain.
The Legend of St James the Greater
St James the Greater Facts, or according to the Spanish form of his name, St Lago, is also the great military patron of Spain. His mission to defend the Christian Church against invaders was however reserved until after his death.
During the celebrated battle of Clavijo, he suddenly appeared on a milk-white charger, waving aloft a white standard, and leading the Christians to victory.
This manifestation was in response to the soldiers’ invocation of his name, “Saint Lago!” as the battle cry of that day. Hence, the name of the ancient city (Santiago) which is where the cathedral was founded in his honor.
Author of Book of James
St James the Greater Facts solves the issue that some people confuse the Apostle James as the author of the Book of James but that James was the half-brother of Jesus who only professed faith in Christ after Jesus rose from the dead.
By the time the Book of James was written, and it appears to be the first book written in the New Testament around 45 AD, James the son of Zebedee had already lost his life.
Only a few of the apostles wrote books in the New Testament and James the son of Zebedee was not one of them, however, his brother, the Apostle John, wrote five books; the Gospel of John, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, and of course the Book of Revelation although the actual author was Jesus Christ (Rev 1:1)
Apostle James Symbol
One of the facts is that James, also known as James the son of Zebedee, was one of Jesus’ inner circle in the gospels. Along with Peter and his brother, John, James was a witness to Jesus’ transfiguration and many other events that Jesus showed only to the three.
Tradition has it that James traveled widely to preach the gospel, going as far as Spain. One of his symbols, the shell, comes from the legend that these shells were numerous on the shore on which James arrived in Spain. He has a couple of other common symbols.
The sword indicates how he was killed by King Herod, recorded in Acts 12. A traveling stick also points to his extensive journeys.
The Feast Day of St James
St James facts tell us that the Feast Day of St James the Greater is July 25th and is widely celebrated in Spain, especially in Santiago de Compostela, where they hold a firework display at the end of a two-week celebration.
When the Feast of St James falls on a Sunday that year will be a Camino Holy Year, also known as a Year of Compostela, or Jacobean Year. During these years visitors to the Cathedral in Santiago can receive a plenary indulgence.
Apostle James Actions
James, along with his brother John, is portrayed in the gospels as perhaps being more important than most of the other apostles. He was present at the resurrection of Jarius’s daughter, at Jesus’s transfiguration, and at the Garden of Gethsemane before Jesus was arrested. Other than a few references to him in the New Testament, however, we have no information about who James was or what he did.
The Origin of Feast Days
Most saints have specially designated feast days that are associated with a specific day of the year. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.
Saint James Son of Zebedee Facts Conclusion
St James the Greater Facts state that James is the elder brother of John. He is a rather quiet part of the team of disciples in that we don’t read much about him in Scripture.
As part of Jesus’ “inner three” he was permitted to be present along with Peter and John when Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Marcos 5:37), he witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration on the Mount of Olives (Mateo 17:1), and he was in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus. (Mark 14:33)
James was the first disciple to be martyred (he was beheaded) and the only disciple to have their martyrdom recorded in Scripture. (Hechos 12:1; Hechos 12:2; Hechos 12:3)
Resources St James the Greater Facts
Resumen Saint James Son of Zebedee
Santiago fue uno de los primeros doce discípulos. Cuando Jesús llamó a los hermanos, Jacobo y Juan eran pescadores en el mar de Galilea con su padre Zebedeo. Dejaron a su padre y su negocio de inmediato para seguir al joven rabino. Debido a que James siempre se menciona primero, lo más probable es que fuera el mayor de los dos hermanos.
Jesús invitó a Santiago, Juan y Pedro tres veces a presenciar eventos que nadie más presenció: la resurrección de la hija de Jairo de entre los muertos (Marcos 5:37;Marcos 5:38;Marcos 5:39;Marcos 5:40;Marcos 5:41;Marcos 5:42;Marcos 5:43; Marcos 5:44; Marcos 5:45; Marcos 5:46; Marcos 5:47), la transfiguración (Mateo 17:1;Mateo 17:2;Mateo 17:3), y la agonía de Jesús en el Huerto de Getsemaní (Mateo 26:36;Mateo 26:37).
But James wasn’t above making blunders. When a Samaritan village rejected Jesus, he and John wished to summon fire from heaven. As a result, they were dubbed “Boanerges,” or “sons of thunder.” The mother of James and John went too far when she asked Jesus to give her sons special positions in his kingdom.
Because of his devotion to Jesus, James was the first of the twelve apostles to be martyred. On the order of King Herod Agrippa I of Judea, he was killed with the sword around 44 A.D., as part of the general persecution of the early church.
En el Nuevo Testamento, hay otros dos hombres llamados Santiago: Santiago, el hijo de Alfeo, otro de los apóstoles elegidos por Cristo, y Santiago, el hermano del Señor, un líder en la iglesia de Jerusalén y autor del libro de Santiago.
Recursos Saint James Son of Zebedee