
of the Apostles

The Symbols of the Twelve Apostles are one way the church has passed on the faith. Their lives inspire us to follow in the footsteps of Christ. We imitate them in the same way that they imitated Christ. The church assists us in remembering their stories by assigning Symbols of the Apostles, and the symbols remind us of that disciple’s life. They are a church treasure that allows us to learn more about our history.

The symbols of the apostles
The symbols of the Apostles

Esaminiamo i simboli che la chiesa ha conferito ai dodici apostoli e vediamo come aiutano nella nostra comprensione della nostra fede. I simboli dei 12 apostoli sono un modo in cui la chiesa ha trasmesso la fede. La loro vita ci ispira a seguire le orme di Cristo. Li imitiamo nello stesso modo in cui imitarono Cristo.

The church assists us in remembering their stories by assigning symbols to each of the apostles, and the symbols remind us of that disciple’s life. They are a church treasure that allows us to learn more about our history. Let us investigate the symbols that the church bestowed upon the twelve apostles and see how they aid in our understanding of our faith. You will see that many of the symbols give clues to how the Apostles died.

Let us dive into the Symbols of the Apostles with explanations. Find the catholic saints’ symbol images for each apostle.

Emblem Saint Peter
Emblem Saint Peter

Apostolo Pietro (Due chiavi incrociate)

Lo stemma di Pietro raffigura due chiavi incrociate, che rappresentano la confessione di fede fondante della Chiesa:

“You are the true Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).

Chiunque possieda la stessa fede cheSan Pietro expressed so clearly and firmly has the keys to entering the Realm of God. The inverted cross represents how, during his crucifixion, Peter asked that his head be placed where his Master’s feet were nailed

Saint Peter Quick Fact: answered Jesus that he was Christ, the son of the living God. He is the rock upon which Jesus would build his Church

Saint Andrew Logo
Saint Andrew Logo

Apostolo Andrea (Pesce su croce di croce)

Sant'Andreaaccompagnò suo fratello Pietro da Gesù. Il pesce rivela che è passato dalla sua precedente occupazione come apescatorealla sua più ampia vocazione di pescatore di umanità.

The saltire cross, also known as St. Andrew’s Cross, is the traditional form of the cross on which he was crucified after preaching the Gospel in Greece.

Saint Andrew Quick Fact: Andrew was Peter’s brother, brought him to Jesus Christ & he recognized Christ at first sight.

Emblem Saint James the Greater
Emblem Saint James the Greater

Apostolo Giacomo il Maggiore (Stalt e conchiglia)

Nella sua predicazione e insegnamento,San Giacomo il Maggiorecamminato molto. L'asta, che si può vedere sul suo stemma, era usata nei suoi pellegrinaggi.

Il guscio di capesante in mostra era un piatto semplice con numerose applicazioni. Il re Erode giustiziò Giacomo con una spada che sembra attraversare il bastone. James era così attivo e coraggioso che anche dopo la sua morte, il suo accusatore si convertì al cristianesimo.

Saint James the Greater Quick Fact: part of the prominent group (Peter, James, John). He was present at Jairus’ daughter’s rising, transfiguration, and the Agony in the Garden.

Emblem Saint John
Emblem Saint John

Apostolo Giovanni (Serpente in un calice)

Secondo la leggenda, fu fatto un attentato alla vita di Giovanni mettendo del veleno nel suo calice.San Giovanni was the only one of the 12 to live to a ripe old age and die naturally. He is remembered as a beloved disciple who was close to Jesus and who looked after Jesus’ mother,

Saint John Quick Fact: was the first to see the grave & believe Jesus had risen, one of the 7 disciples who saw Jesus at the shore. His close relationship with God earned him the name “the disciple whom Jesus loved”.

Symbol Saint Philip
Symbol Saint Philip

Apostolo Filippo (Cesto, croce e lancia)

Il cestino dentroSan Filippoemblema rappresenta l'alimentazione della moltitudine, che era una delle sue principali preoccupazioni.

La croce Tau e la lancia rappresentano il modo in cui ha dato la vita per Colui che è il Pane della Vita.

Saint Philip Quick Fact: a disciple of John the Baptist, one of the Apostles. Mentioned only in New Testament in John, called by Jesus and brought Nathaniel/Bartholomew.

Symbol Saint Bartholomew
Symbol Saint Bartholomew

Apostolo Bartolomeo (Bibbia e un coltello scuoiato)

The Bible and a flaying knife are signs of San Bartolomeo. Aveva ferma fede nella parola di Dio, che predicava liberamente. Ha incontrato il suo martirio essendoscordato vivo.

Saint Bartholomew Quick Fact: also known as Nathaniel, converted Polymius to the King of Armenia.

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Emblem Saint Matthew
Emblem Saint Matthew

Apostolo Matteo (3 sacchi di denaro)

L'emblema perSan Matteo, the former tax collector, depicts three purses, a nod to his previous occupation

È raffigurata anche l'ascia da battaglia con cui è stato ucciso.

Apostle Matthew Quick Fact: invited Jesus for supper at his house with sinners and tax collectors, “I came not to call the just, but sinners.

Symbol of Saint Thomas
Symbol of Saint Thomas

Apostolo Tommaso (quadrato da falegname, rocce, freccia e lancia)

San Tommasolo stemma comprende una piazza da falegname.

Secondo la leggenda, costruì una chiesa in India mentre svolgeva il suo ministero lì. Anche le rocce, le frecce e la lancia raffigurate raccontano la storia di una morte dolorosa ma valorosa.

Saint Thomas Quick Fact: known as doubting Thomas.

Saint James the Less
San Giacomo il Minore

Apostolo Giacomo il Minore (pietre e sega)

San Giacomo il Minoreera fratello di Gesù.

Sebbene si sappia poco di lui a causa della sua natura riservata, è noto che predicò in tutta Gerusalemme fino a quando fu lapidato a morte e il suo corpo fu segato a pezzi, da qui le pietre e sega sul suo emblema.

Saint James the Less Quick Fact: author of the first Catholic epistle, son of Alphaeus and Mary, brother of the Lord, a witness of Resurrection, pillar of the Church.

Symbol Saint Simon
Symbol Saint Simon

Apostolo Simone (Pesce su una Bibbia)

San Simone lo Zelotafu il compagno ispiratore di Giuda e subì il martirio in Persia in un viaggio missionario.

Implacabile pescatore di umanità attraverso il potere del Vangelo, Simone è simboleggiato da un pesce su una Bibbia.

Saint Simon the Zealot Quick Fact: he sometimes called Simon the Zealot because of his zeal for the Mosaic law.

Emblem Saint Jude
Emblem Saint Jude

Nave dell'apostolo Giuda (pensato per essere un pescatore), personale (missionario, pellegrino), regola quadrata)

Una nave con una croce sulle vele simboleggia l'eroica Giuda nelle spedizioni missionarie accompagnata dal suo amico Simone.

San Giudaè talvolta noto come Thaddaeus o Lebbaeus

Saint Jude Quick Fact: sought in desperate situations, letter in New. Testament, patron saint of desperate cases & hopeless causes.

Symbol Apostle Matthias
Symbol Apostle Matthias

Apostolo Mattia (Bibbia e Scimitarra)

Gli apostoli scelseroSan Mattia to take the place of Judas the traitor. Matthias was well-versed in the scriptures, as evidenced by the Bible depicted in his emblem. After a fearless service as a missionary in Judea, he was beheaded with a scimitar, which is also depicted on the emblem.

Saint Matthias Quick Fact: he was with Jesus since baptism by John the Baptist. Replaced Judas the traitor (either him or Barsabas) and became associated with the eleven apostles.

Riassunto Simboli degli Apostoli

I cristiani hanno sempre usato i simboli per aiutarci a capire la fede. Abbiamo una lunga storia di belle immagini con significati significativi e molti di noi non le capiscono.

Il simbolismo dei santi cristiani è stato utilizzato sin dall'inizio della religione. Si dice che ogni santo abbia vissuto una vita esemplare e i simboli sono stati usati per raccontare le loro storie nel corso della storia della Chiesa.

L'iconografia è lo studio di questi nella storia dell'arte. Servivano soprattutto per aiutare l'analfabeta a riconoscere una scena e per dare a ciascuno dei santi una personalità nell'arte.

FAQ: The Twelve Apostles

Who were the Twelve Apostles?

Who were the Twelve Apostles?

The Twelve Apostles were the primary disciples of Jesus Christ, chosen by him to preach the Gospel and establish his Church.
They played a pivotal role in the early spread of Christianity.

What are the symbols associated with each Apostle and what do they represent?

What are the symbols associated with each Apostle and what do they represent?

Each Apostle is traditionally associated with a symbol that reflects their life, ministry, or martyrdom. For example:
Peter: Crossed keys, symbolising the authority given to him by Jesus to lead the Church.
Andrew: Saltire cross (X-shaped), the type of cross on which he was martyred.
James the Greater: Scallop shell, a symbol of pilgrimage, as he is believed to have preached in Spain.
John: Eagle, representing his soaring theological insights in his Gospel and Revelation.
Philip: Basket of loaves, recalling his role in the feeding of the 5,000.
Bartholomew: Flaying knife, the instrument of his martyrdom.
Matthew: Three money bags, representing his former profession as a tax collector.
Thomas: Carpenter’s square, possibly symbolising his role in building the early Church.
James the Less: Fuller’s club, a tool used for beating cloth, possibly signifying his role in disciplining the early Church.
Simon the Zealot: Saw, the instrument of his martyrdom.
Jude Thaddeus: Ship, symbolising the spread of the Gospel.
Matthias: Axe or lance, representing his role as a warrior for Christ.

What are some of the key events in the lives of the Apostles?

What are some of the key events in the lives of the Apostles?

The Apostles witnessed many significant events during Jesus’ ministry, including his miracles, teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. After Pentecost, they were empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel boldly. Some key events include:
Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah.
James the Greater’s martyrdom by Herod.
John’s exile to the island of Patmos.
Thomas’ initial doubts about the resurrection.
Paul’s conversion and his extensive missionary journeys.

What is the significance of the “Labors of the Apostles”?

What is the significance of the "Labors of the Apostles"?

The “Labors of the Apostles” refers to the missionary journeys and work undertaken by the Apostles after Jesus’ ascension. They travelled extensively, spreading the Gospel, establishing churches, and facing persecution. These labors were instrumental in the growth of early Christianity.

Are there common names today that are derived from the Apostles?

Are there common names today that are derived from the Apostles?

Yes, many common names are derived from the Apostles’ names. For example:
John: Giovanni, Johannes, Ian, Evan, Ivan, Jean, Sean, Shawn.
James: Jim, Jacques, Jacob, Jakob, Seamus, Giacomo.
Joseph: Guiseppe, Iosif, Josef, Jose, Osip.

What is the role of iconography in understanding the Apostles?

What is the role of iconography in understanding the Apostles?

Iconography, the study of religious images and symbols, helps us to identify and understand the stories of the Apostles.
Their symbols, often depicted in art and sculpture, serve as visual reminders of their lives and ministries.

What are some resources for learning more about the Apostles?

What are some resources for learning more about the Apostles?

The New Testament: The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles provide detailed accounts of the Apostles’ lives and ministries.
Websites and online resources: Many websites offer information about the Apostles, their symbols, and their significance in Christian history.
Books and scholarly articles: Numerous books and articles delve into the history, theology, and impact of the Apostles.

Why are the Apostles still relevant today?

Why are the Apostles still relevant today?

The Apostles’ lives serve as examples of faith, courage, and dedication to Christ. They remind us of the importance of spreading the Gospel, serving others, and remaining faithful in the face of adversity.
Their stories continue to inspire and challenge Christians today.

Risorse Simboli degli Apostoli

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