Jobs of the 12 Disciples

I 12 discepoli di Gesù e la loro occupazione

The jobs of the 12 disciples have always been a topic of deliberation over time. The 12 discepoli di Gesù are a set of selected elites in the Bible and the Scriptures also made us understand that the 12 disciples of Jesus represented the 12 tribes in Israel.

One would think that these men would be extraordinary men with mighty abilities at their birth, but the reverse is the case. 

These disciples got their fame by being with Jesus and doing ministry work with Him. Let’s take a look at the jobs of the 12 disciples and what were their occupations and the family they came from. 

Chi sono i 12 discepoli di Gesù e cosa hanno fatto Giobbe?

According to the Bible, when Jesus was starting His ministry, he hand-picked 12 disciples to work with him. Let us learn their names, the families they come from, and what they did for a living before Jesus’ call;


Pietro, figlio di Giona e chiamato anche Simon Pietro o Cefa (che significa roccia), era il capo eil più schietto discepolo di Gesù. La sua influenza tra i discepoli e nella chiesa primitiva fu così grande che il suo nome è il più menzionato tra i dodici discepoli nel Nuovo Testamento. L'apostolo Pietro fu uno dei discepoli che trascorse più tempo con Gesù; più come un cerchio interno.

Peter has two books to his name (1st and 2nd Peter). He died as a martyr just like Jesus, but in his case, he requested they turn him upside down as a show of respect for Jesus. Peter was the only married disciple.

Peter’s source of livelihood before he answered the call to become a disciple was fishing. Jesus met him while he was fishing

Giacomo il Maggiore

James, son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother to John was another member of the inner circle of Jesus. Because of this closeness, he experienced special events such as the transfiguration on Mount Tabor and the miracle of raising Jairo’s daughter from the dead. 

Giacomo fu il primo ad essere martirizzato.King Herod beheaded him. 

James era un pescatore di professione, ai suoi tempi era anche un datore di lavoro.


Like James, his elder brother, John was also a son of Zebedee and Salome and the third member of Jesus’ inner circle. John has four books (1st, 2nd, and 3rd John and Revelation) in the Bible to his name. 

Fu l'unico discepolo di Gesù amorire di morte naturale, anche se una volta c'è stato un attentato alla sua vita. La storia narra che John fosse intollerante e avesse untemperamento incontrollabile.

Come Giacomo e Pietro, anche Giovanni era un pescatore.

Jesus calling the disciples
Jesus calling the disciples


Bartolomeo, noto anche come Natanaele, nacque a Talmai. Suo padre viveva a Cana di Galilea. Suo padre era a quel tempo re a Ghesur. Al suo primo incontro con Gesù, Gesù lo chiamò un vero israelita.

Bartolomeo morì martire dopo essere stato picchiato, crocifisso e decapitato. Prima della sua sfortunata morte, era undiligent researcher of the Scriptures. La sua occupazione è sconosciuta, ma potrebbe essere stato un pescatore da quando era con Andrea, Giacomo e Giovanni quando Gesù apparve loro dopo la sua risurrezione.


Filippo di Betesda, il primo discepolo a ricevere la chiamata di Gesù, fuun grande evangelista del vangelo. We see this in his forwardness to talk about Jesus to Nathaniel. As a symbol of respect for Jesus, he requested that his body be wrapped in papyrus instead of linen. 

Like most of the fold, we believe Phillip to be a fisher. Scholars also say Phillip that he was a man with a cuore caldo e una personalità pessimista. La sua morte è avvenuta per impiccagione.

Tommaso Didimo

Thomas is one who lived in Galilee. Another name they called him was Didymus. He was first mentioned in the Scriptures for his doubting when he was told about Jesus, hence the name “doubting Thomas”. A diligent study of the gospel shows that although he could be a pessimist, he was devoted to the gospel and full of faith.


Jude, also known as Judas or Thaddeus, is the elder brother to James, and also a son of Alpheus. He once asked Jesus and from research, Jude believed in the ruling of the world by the chosen people.

Jude has quite a silent story in the bible, though he has a chapter in the New Testament the Bible. Jude died from the frecce scagliate contro di luiad Ararat.

Non c'era alcuna menzione della descrizione del lavoro di Jude.


Simon the Zealot was a disciple of Jesus who originated in Canaan. The only information available about Simon is that he was a zealot. Zealots were a Jewish fanatic sect who had little belief in the struggles and suffering accompanied by the Christian faith. 

Con il background di Simon, potremmo dire che la sua descrizione del lavoro era politicamente incline. Morì martire.


Matthew, also known as Levi as a son to Alpheus, was a controversial disciple of Jesus. His means of earning made him one of the controversial disciples of Jesus. Matthew, who lived in Capernaum died in Ethiopia at the hands of King Hyrcanus by a spear.

L'occupazione di Matteo prima della chiamata di Gesù era quella di esattore delle tasse. Gli esattori delle tasse erano il gruppo di persone più odiato in quei giorni, poiché erano ingiusti. Eppure Gesù lo trovò degno del corso del Vangelo. Ha un intero libro del Nuovo Testamento a suo nome.

Giacomo il Minore

James the Less is a son of Alpheus and a younger brother to Jude. Like his brother Jude, he also lived in Galilee. Scholars believe he is the writer of the book of James in the Bible.

Dicono anche che fosse un uomo con afiery and strong character.

Il suo corpo erasegato a pezzidopo che è morto.

Non c'era una descrizione chiara del lavoro che faceva per guadagnarsi.

Giuda Iscariota

Giuda Iscariota, figlio di Simone, abitava a Keriot di Giuda. È un nome popolare nel vangelo di Gesù perché ha tradito Gesù per trenta denari attraverso un bacio. Sebbene non vi sia traccia di come Giuda abbia ricevuto la chiamata, ha dedicato tre anni alla sequela di Gesù.

Judas served as the treasurer during Jesus’ ministry on Earth. The weight of his betrayal was heavy on his shoulder to the point he killed himself. 

La morte di Giuda Iscariota ha portato a un posto vacante, e c'era bisogno di un sostituto. E scelsero Mattia dopo aver tirato a sorte tra lui e Giuseppe o Barabba. Dopo l'appuntamento con Matthias, di lui si parlava poco o niente. Gli storici dicono che visse fino all'80 d.C.

Conclusion The Jobs of the 12 Disciples

Who are the 12 disciples and what were their occupations? The Lord Jesus had many followers during His earthly ministry, and many more have chosen to do so in the centuries following. As Jesus began to obtain followers, He selected twelve to follow Him in a closer way, who received personal teachings and explanations. He called them personally to Him.

The Bible provides no information on the professions of Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Thaddaeus, or James, the son of Alphaeus. It does provide information about Paul, who became an apostle after the death and resurrection of Jesus. He was a Pharisee and may have taught religion or worked in political office. During his missionary journeys, Paul supported himself as a tentmaker according to Acts 18:1; Acts 18:2; Acts 18:3.

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